Your Work is a Gift
Why is it that work, where we spend most of our days, can seem a drudgery for many of us?
Often, even ‘creative’ work can feel stale and unfulfilling.
We work to make money, sure, but you and I know there’s more available.
We want to have a purpose, and for our work to contribute to something larger than ourselves, to community and society.
Your Work Is a Gift
Our work can be more than how we survive and pay our way. It’s how we make ourselves happy. It’s how we make a difference and improve the lives of others.
Our work—what we are paid to do—is the Gift of ourselves to our audience and community.
In every work there are objective and subjective parts.
We know the objective is to ‘get ‘er done’—to do the task at hand.
But we rarely think of the Subjective—the intention of our work and the force multiplier.
Can we add to our efforts by carrying out each task with joy or love or creativity?
A bus driver can raise the level of her work to art by expressing her love. She can change people's lives on a daily—even hourly—basis, not by completing the objective of delivering them from A to B on time, but by smiling.
By giving a piece of herself, everything changes. Her attitude and perspective changes, her audience changes. Her outlook and life changes.
In my own work, teaching creativity became a chore until I realized I was calling it in, teaching ‘from the book,’ and not putting myself into my work.
Now I teach from my opinion, passion, and heart, and I can see the transformation. I see how radically my effects multiply and the excitement shared by my guests.
Start Now
What can you do now to shift into this perspective of knowing your work is a gift?
Start small and give. Give from your abundance with no expectations of getting back.
Give a smile.
Send your thoughts, compassion, and goodwill to people who need it with cards of kindness.
Give from your talents, such as painting or singing, to make someone’s day.
At work, you can share your knowledge and skills, you can help others and teach or guide ones who come after you…or even before!
Sometimes just being a good communicator and listener can be a Gift to others.
How to put your voice and opinion into your work to create meaning for others is what our new digital masterclass Born Creative puts into practical application. Check it out here.
In this New Year
Instead of a list of things to change this New Year, practice the simple act of putting yourself into your work. Give more of yourself. Know that your work is a Gift.
This short clip is from our digital masterclass, Born Creative.