Face the Storm
I want to run. It’s an instinct.
I want to run in the opposite direction of discomfort.
I want to avoid pain and confrontation.

Learning from Dead People
All artists come from somewhere. Painters, architects, writers—all have influences. It may be other artists, or the things they love and hate, or even whether their parents loved them too much or not enough.

Why Do We Work?
I’m a good teacher. Admittedly not an orthodox one, more of a goofy footer.
In my class there are a lot of decoys and tests within tests. One particular head fake went like this…

How to Maintain Your Creative Spark
Maintaining the spark of inspiration takes intention. It takes training and practice. The best way I know is to remember the energy we had as children when our play was a powerful tool.

On Becoming an Artist
If anyone can be an artist, then how does one distinguish themselves as a ‘real’ one? Which boxes do you have to check off? When do you ‘arrive’ or graduate out of amateurity?

On Deadlines
The reality is that deadlines are a part of professional life. They are boundaries set and met. This is how we define our character, by meeting our agreements and creating a reputation (and personal pride) as being responsible.